Certamen 2023 Junior Trivia 2023 ROM Trip 2023 Roman Day 2023 Classics Barbecue 2019 The Emperor’s Club Movie Night Conference 2019 Saturnalia 2018 Fall Certamen 2018 Nightmare Before Christmas Movie Night Junior Trivia 2018 Oktoberfest 2018 ROM Trip 2018 Classics Barbecue 2017 the food-getters, enthusiastic as always get you a girl who can stab a pineapple NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM we! love! classics! secretary/treasurer candidate #2 the illustrious Chen Dynasty, minus one asian family rules the world skit re-enactment…we swear we know the lines. jordan may not be a good academic head but at least he can cook the burgers at bbq are unrivalled, I’m not biased at all secretary/treasurer candidate #1 presidential candidate #2 presidential candidate #3 food makes friendship so much better yearbook signing is a bbq tradition!! #notmyvp (just kidding we love you Alex) 2017-2018 Classics Exec, aka the coolest bunch of nerds around. presidential candidate #1 does Bill even know Ernest is behind him Conference 2017 #LITSKIT obligatory table shot basically sisters Crystal’s face reflects the misery in my soul the squad on Friday night like the Quaerite Summa trophy, back where it belongs athletics!!! a bomb fashion show ayy matching colours! your face when they go in for a photo chariot crew!! fashion show crew!! a lonely brownie, left untouched okay but are they the same person or what??? poor Lysander and all his brownies CHANT CHANT CHANT live performance, featuring our very own Cupid and Psyche their first pompa & banquet :’) the People Bus! beloved chaperones oral myth 2017! conga lines are so in these days highkey the best school display there fight me irl group photo!! Spring Certamen 2017 overhead view of the cafeteria during dinner! when you missed being in the group photo but it’s still fire meme dream team, back at it again seniors crushed it (of course) it’s okay if you got second…the other Markham team got first from tol to smol, the grade 12s Markham Classics buttons, only $1 each!!!! JUNIORS <3 upside-down christmas trees for life juniors are in it to win it! study-udyudyudyudy hit up MDHS Compliments and Confessions #1053 saladus tossere so photogenic double date??? wow I’ve NEVER seen that pose before… some dinner entertainment beautiful volunteers! my face whenever I have to answer a question tbh GRL PWR a wild Mr. McLaren appeared! all three trophies, all back home no one distributes snacks better than Jasio anxiously spectating the finals scorekeeping!!! Fall Certamen 2016 our juniors are the best and I’ll fight you junior finals!! meme dream team back at it again I think Kevin’s going to get his hands on some adoption papers… all three trophies, brought right back home lifers! we have the coolest mascot ever intermediates! we make it rain ribbons all day long juniors!! gang gang agriCOLA we’re not the illuminati we promise YAS BITE THAT MEDAL seniors = old geezers group photo! vocab & derivs gon’ knock the competition out solid brosephoenix, fall 2016 – the last of its kind. markham classics ukelele master #2 myth <3 history squad! markham classics ukelele master #1 M(eisa)Y(ca)TH(erine)(elen)OLOGY ROM Trip 2016 when you see your namesake hard at work on the scavenger hunt! the inimitable, the one and only… statue or model??? when you see your divorce happening across the aisle et tu, brute?! meme dream team minus-one grade nine acolytes~ REUNITED my head is better than yours I’m Quintus, you’re Quintus, we’re all Quintus. OLÉ friendship goals chaperones!!! food table alumni <3 first time at the ROM! three blind monks cupid and psyche ain’t got nothin’ on them I’ll be your knight in shining armour anyday. it’s not you, it’s me young nathan 10/10 would wear to prom HELP ME I CAN’T BREATHE Roman Day 2016 Team #nopalettes MC Laren sighting Wind Belongs in the AGO Fite me JENN CHENN #getbuff4classics It was an inside job What am I doing Ring pop break TUG OF WAR Concentration TUG Artsy Slack or the dancing girl? Squad goals Let’s get crazy playing Roman Ball! Too cool for palettes Working hard! The ash of Pompeii